
Conceived and originally directed by John-Michael Tebelak
Music and new lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
Directed by Tina Baldwin

May 29, 30, and 31, 1992


Michael Barakiva, Sarah Barnes, Traci Connaughton, Gail Gregg, Kelly Hutchinson, Patti McCabe, Vince Nelson, Mark Rifkin, Josh Weiss, Alicia Zweben


Anne Baney, Christina Carter, Margery Davis, Sylvie Eisenberg, Josh Eisinger, Jodi Felt, Avram Granett, Genia Joseph, Scott Koenig, Seth Kreisler, Jim McCabe, Robin Michaels, Emily Niebo, B.J. O’Brien, Sabrina Pramberger, Lauren Renehan, Josh Small, Timothy Yu


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